Our Lady Prefigured in the Old Testament
Our Lady Prefigured by both the Ark of the Covenant and the Prophets of the Old Testament
At the beginning of the Old Testament, shortly after the Israelites were freed from oppression in Egypt, they constructed the Ark. Shortly after Constantine freed Christians from persecution, the foundational dogma of Our Lady was proclaimed.
Shortly before the Babylonians came and took the Jews' land, Jeremias hid the Ark of the Covenant in a cave. Shortly before the Kingdom of Italy confiscated the Church's land in 1860 and 1870, Our Lady of Lourdes appeared in a cave. Ezekiel foretold a miraculous spring that heals all it touches, and Our Lady of Lourdes gave us the miraculous spring that heals both physically and spiritually.
The Israelites doubted that Moses and Aaron were given authority by God. God caused Aaron's rod to blossom flowers miraculously over night in the presence of the Ark. The Aztecs did not believe that God gave the Church authority. Our Lady caused roses to bloom miraculously to prove both that She was appearing to Juan Diego, but also to prove the Church's authority to the Aztecs. Plus much more!
The boy Samuel was called in the middle of the night by God, speaking from His Ark. St. Catherine DeLaboure was called by a young boy in the middle of the night to go see Our Lady. The Ark went throughout the land causing plagues and curses and the Miraculous Medal went around France causing blessings and healings.
David was signing songs before the Ark. The Ark began to fall so it was touched by Uzzah to keep the Ark from falling. Uzzah was struck dead for touching the Ark. Our Lady of Pontmain to children, who began to sing in Her presence. A sign appeared at Her feet saying "My Son lets Himself be touched"! Plus, much more.