The Saints Prefigured in the Old Testament
The Saints are prefigured by great and holy men and women of the Old Testament
Both were sent to the north, to the apostates. Elias was a prophet to the apostate Israelites and St. Anthony was sent to preach to the Cathars in northern Italy. Both were known for their preaching. Both raised children from the dead... and much more.
Both were well-born young leaders. During both their reigns, an angel of God came to defend God's people at a very crucial moment. Both payed enemies not to attack the Sacred city (Jerusalem and Rome). Both enriched their respective Sacred Liturgies and much more.
The marriage and love of Ruth and Boaz led to the birth of King David and the great Davidic Kingdom. The marriage and love of Clovis and St. Clotilda led to the rise of Charlemagne and the great Holy Roman Empire. Ruth converted and so did Clovis, having a huge impact on their respective salvation histories.
Isaias was purified with a burning coal from the Heavenly altar. St. Margaret Mary was purified with Divine fire of Our Lord's Sacred Heart. Both lived in the time of the "divided kingdom" and both focused on the sufferings of Christ. Isaias wrote the "suffering servant" prophecy and St. Margaret specifically emulated Christ as the "Suffering Servant". Plus much more.
St. Jerome was a Church Father and Samson was a Judge. (see information in the "ORANGE" period for the parallels between them. Both of them used their tempers against the enemies of God (St. Jerome's was manifest in his writings). Both had specific incidents with lions, and so much more!
God's people had their land and their king taken from them. They were both exiles in a new land, although after the French Revolution Catholics were exiles in their own land. At this time, God raised up dry bones from the sepulcher to give Hope and Faith back to His people.
God sent this great leader to His people at a vital time when the enemies of God's people were threatening to conquer the kingdom. They both purified and anchored the sacred liturgy. Both gave more water to the holy city (Jerusalem and Rome) by use of channels or aqueducts... and so much more.
Both were given the gift by God to see the future through prophetic dreams. Daniel was orphaned and taken away as a child. He was put in a Babylonian school. St. John Bosco started a refuge. Both were respected by their pagan kings (Nebuchadnezzar and Victor Emmanuel II)... and so much more.
Daniel was told not to pray to his God but refused to obey. The king's servants started a spy ring to catch Daniel. The modernists were told not to spread modernism in the Church. Pope St. Pius X started a spy ring to catch any modernists who were not obeying. So much more!